comprehensive Navigational Equipments Repair procedures

Furuno FR1510 Radar

Furuno Fr-1510 12KW radra having 4 major parts

a. Main Unit:
  1. Main Processor
  2. Display Processor
  3. ARPA card( Optional)
  4. GC10 Board for AD 10 Format
  5. Power Supply Unit
b. Scanner Unit consist of :
  1. Modulator
  2. RFC board
  3. Interface Board
  4. Heading Lead sensor
  5. Bearing Sensor
  6. Modulator
c. Key Board
d. Main board interface Unit

There are few defect can be rectified very easily , by tracing service manual of FR-1510
but if you cant find the same , then you can check each PCB one by one as follows

Display unit Defect:
if CRT unit defect then you can straight way connect normal monitor to Main PCB RGB connector

Defect on Main PCB :
LED will shows present status of the system

ARPA Defect:
You can monitor status after rebooting the system

I will write more detail on Furuno various system in near future , but thing is that i cant find a time to write a blogg here, however if possible to comments or ask a question from , definitely I will answer.